E v2 ray vpn free files


E v2 ray vpn free files

E v2 ray VPN

EV2 Ray vpn has become a trending vpn throughout Pakistan, as Zong customers are enjoying free internet using this vpn.This vpn is thought to be one of the best vpns here in our country Pakistan.In this age of inflation if someone finds internet without paying even a penny,. That’s nothing less than blessing.

Its benefits :

  • As we all know that our mobile phone privacy is of vital importance , we are
    never ready to make any compromise on our privacy. In this regard this VPN is thought to be the secure one by most of the experts of our era.
  •  We all try to have the applications which consume minimum data, so this VPN consists of a few mbs.
  • We all try to have the files which are bugs free , this file is also a bugs free. It doesn’t cause any kind of damage.
  • In this fast moving world we try to have the vpn which are fast getting connected. This vpn has all such features. This is fast to get connected.
  • Less battery consuming is also an ability that we strive to find but we find it rarely, luckily this is one of the apps which are thought to be less battery consuming. We don’t need to connect charger if we are using this app with a good quality cell pphone

Download VPN 👇

Ev2 vpn files

The files for this vpn are given below which are updated on daily basis.

Zong Host has been changed. We’ll soon bring the happy news regarding zong files

Password : taqi
Files No 1 👇
File No.2👇

File No.3👇

File No.4👇

File No.5
Ev 2 ray files

File No 6

How to use these files :
Thess files are very easy to use but before importing thess filese we have to rename these files. When you download these filese , the format of these files is (.txt ) which can not be imported.
Example : techrivals.v2.txt
The format given above can not be imported at all so you have to rename it like techrivals.v2
Only .v2 format can be imported . You simply have to go your download folder to rename your downloaded file to use in this vpn
You need to do this setting in your mobile

  • Go to mobile setting
  • Go to mobile network settings
  • Go to Zong sim
  • Go to access point names
  • Authentication type ( PAP)
  • APN Protocol ( ipv4/ipv6)
  • APN Roaming protocol ( ipv4/ipv6)
  • Save setting
  • Import vpn file
  • Restart your phone & start your vpn