Engineers entertainment lines

Engineers entertainment lines

Engineers entertaining lines

Here I’m going to share beautiful lines written by some engineers. You know while working on site in complete loneliness man gets tired and the poetry is only source of entertainment. Enjoy the lines below

Poem No.1

To my beloved,
Oh! Yonder I see you in sky;
Kiss upon thy brows
May all mighty,
Ends your sorrows
Up heaven,
Crowded with beautiful stars
Blissful and gay days heading you
He smiles thence,
Showering the tears of love
Upon the world he left by,
Beauty and Resplendence bears
In the eyes of my beloved
Now lies beneath
The womb of nature
Rest in peace!!!

Poem No.2

Oceanic Tide

In the deep silence of the ocean,
World of color-less  joy abide;
Within the core of magic blueness,
Warmth and arctic wildlife;
Be it in  the thousand splendid summer,
Or the floor of stormy darkness,
Plethora of turmoil make cacophony,
In the era of invisible tide.
With the presence of liveliness,
Eulogize the mark of  ties;
Grim sharp greet of death,
Shoos away with deafening cry.
Poem No.3
Great green fields
Far far away across the town,
In the heartland,
under the scorching sun;
Lies thousand acres,
Of great green fields.
Slow breeze under the blue sky,
Carcass gently the skin of every nerves,
Unleash the tedium of thoughts;’
Tripping with the tune
Great green lush,
Spreads across the miles,
Kissing the horizon ,
That touches the deep blue sky
twittering birds meet-mate,
In the hallow spaces of small fields,
Once again they flap their wings away,
Above the great green fields.

Poem No.4

It’s your wave of judgement
that shut me down,
you know it’s tough for me
to talk about my feelings.
I can’t go anywhere with suspicious mind,
Just to stay and fix the roots of being kind.
I could call it a “hunch” but
I love work during lunch,
It gives me a way to avoid small talk.
I love my life but I always seem to be unsatisfied,
I can never understand what’s happening to me.
You think you can help,
Truth is you can’t do a thing.
Now that we are together,
There’s a new determination.
You tell me why should not
I be restless?
I’m crazy that,
I heed to everything that the heart says,
I’ll be where you are.
Both of us are crazy in love,
This craziness should not die.
We should live happily,
We’ll speak our hearts out.
Now that we’re friends,
Let’s go have a minute.
’cause for the first time in forever,
There’s a magic, a fun!
And more or less
It will be noticed by someone.